
Executive Meetings

Meeting Location: ME 4359

Meeting Time: Mondays, alternating 6PM and 8PM

For your convenience, please check our Meetings Page for a Google Calendar containing our meeting times.

Executive Reports and Meeting Minutes

General Meetings

SCESoc General Meetings are open to all; however, only SCESoc Voting Members have speaking rights. These meetings provide a space to discuss SCESoc’s recent activities, vote on motions, and ratify those passed during executive meetings. Additionally, general meetings serve as the platform for holding elections to fill any vacant positions.

Past Years’ General Meeting Reports and Meeting Minutes


Fall Semester General Meeting

Meeting Time: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 18:00

Meeting Location: ME 4499

Winter General Meeting

Meeting Time: Monday, January 20, 2025 at 18:30

Meeting Location: ME3380

Governing Documents

Policy and Office Manual
Voting Membership Nomination
Voting Membership Self-Nomination
Proxy Forms
Proposal for New Motion