Hey SCESoc! Ever wonder what happens when you introduce a bug in the software of a self-driving car? Does thousands of dollars worth of equipment, work and time go down the drain? Well, thanks to software such as Carla, you can train and test your models in a safe and simulated environment. Carla is an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. It helps you research, build and test your software in a simulated environment making programming autonomous vehicles more accessible, safe and powerful.
ESDC (the Edison Self Driving Car club) and SCESoc are hosting a workshop on how to use the Carla Software to build simulations for self-driving vehicles. Come out Saturday 26th March @ 12:00 pm to learn more about autonomous vehicle simulation using Carla, aka cruising with Carla. ESDC is a new design team at Carleton, where we are designing and building a self driving car from the ground up, to bring further accessibility to Carleton Campus! Have any questions about the event? Email lorienaquarius@cmail.carleton.ca. Any questions about the club? Email executive.esdc@gmail.com​. Join their server as well! https://discord.gg/UeTxEKg3cN
Event zoom: https://carleton-ca.zoom.us/j/93900802897